# Configuration file for mailfilter.crm # # You MUST edit the fileds for "Secret Password" and for # general_fails_to. Otherwise, mailfilter may not work. Edits to # other values are optional. # # ------------define the secret password ---------- YOU NEED TO CHANGE THIS! # isolate (:spw:) alter (:spw:) /YGyEJfXxPjjZm8rvJthAEVt2/ # # # # --- This is the helper program to decode and strip # --- MIME messages. # isolate (:mime_decoder:) alter (:mime_decoder:) /normalizemime/ # # # # --------- Do we give spam an exitcode of 0 (for standalone mode), # --------- or a 1 (for better compatibility with Procmail) # --------- Note that for procmail to accept the output, this must be 0 isolate (:rejected_mail_exit_code:) alter (:rejected_mail_exit_code:) /0/ # # # --------- STOP HERE STOP HERE STOP HERE --------- # --------- values below this line are not usually modified by the user # # -------- what regex do we use for LEARN/CLASSIFY? # ---- the first is the "old standard". Other ones are handy for # ---- different spam mixes. The last one is for people who get # ---- a great deal of packed HTML spam. # # ---- IF you change this, you MUST rebuild your .css files with # ---- roughly equal amounts of locally-grown spam and nonspam # isolate (:lcr:) #alter (:lcr:) /[[:graph:]]+/ #alter (:lcr:) /[-.,:[:alnum:]]+/ alter (:lcr:) /[[:graph:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:graph:]]?/ # # # # -----------Do we enable mime expansions with the :mime_decoder: program? isolate (:do_normalize:) alter (:do_normalize:) /yes/ # # # # ------------ HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL - automatic training! # enable this only if you really want to live VERY dangerously! isolate (:automatic_training:) alter (:automatic_training:) /no/ # # ---- if you are living dangerously and have turned on autotraining, # you should also set the following to point to an address that # will get read on a quick basis, because this is where autotrain # verifications will go. # isolate (:autotrain_address:) alter (:autotrain_address:) /root@localhost/ #